A downloadable asset pack

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As usual CC0 (aka "do whatever you want").

Using more or less fantasy24 palette.

If you do something fun with it - please share. 

If you wan't to credit me (even though you don't have to) - point to my itch profile.


character.walk (4)
character.idle (4)
character.fall (2)
character.jump (2)
character.climb (2)
coin.spinning (4)

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(13 total ratings)
Tags2D, Pixel Art, Retro, Tilemap


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0x72_8x8TilesetF24.v1.png 2.9 kB


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you should add the license into metadata for the asset packs:

"Edit asset pack->Metadata->Release Info->License for assets" It will increase the size of audience that will be able to find your art

molto belle le grafiche

This ought to be the most complex Italian sentence could understand without dictionary! XD


Hello! I used a few of your assets for my game, Everlast. It's heavily inspired by Celeste with some Donkey Kong Country. Here's my game if you're interested: https://alexgomez141.itch.io/everlast

Hi! I participated in a jam using your asset! They're lovely, thank you so much for releasing this art! My game if u want to play: https://gubebra.itch.io/melody

Can I make e full game using this asset?

(1 edit)

I've got frustrated dying-not-dying in the same level like 5 times - I don't know how to play platformers XD

A.d. full game: Sure, you can :)

Hello! I made this game using your assets, which, by the way, is super cool (your assets, that is) - https://utopiansocialist.itch.io/connection-timed-out

Let me know how you like it! :D

(4 edits) (+1)

The movement is extremaly glitchy for me in FireFox but works just fine in Chrome. Overall I love the game! Looks like polished and well-though I wouldn't guess it's a jam entry! 

Bit too difficult for me but I'm just bad with this type of games.

Love the dash effect - so simple yet looks so cool!

You could add alternative jumping button (up) because it's more natural to some people (me) while space is to others (not me)

edit: hey! I beat it ^_^

Thank you so much for the feedback! And I agree, the game is a bit too difficult. In fact, it was more difficult earlier and even I wasn't able to beat it. So I turned it down a notch.

Again, really appreciate the feedback! :D

Deleted 231 days ago

Super short and obviously just an exercise for you but man, the jumping feels very good!

Hey, I used some of your art for my website. You can see an early version of it here: https://rewrite123.github.io/resume/

Thanks for the art, I appreciate it!

A tip: using a rule like img { image-rendering: crisp-edges } will avoid anti-aliasing and keep the pixel art sharp!

thanks. I think I just ended up using nearest neighbor rendering. 

Me gusta, es tan cencillo y coqueto a la vez, te donaria pero no tengo ni targeta de credito.

Thanks and don't worry, it's free for a reason after all.

Make a game instead! : )

i get a "lemmings" vibe from this, and it is awesome!

Many thanks for your cools assets. I use this one for a little tutorial of a Godot platformer. Its here if you want to test it  https://noghost73.itch.io/godot-tuto-platformer. Thanks !!!!

Great! Thanks a lot for promoting great open-source project!

Learning the basics of 2D in Unity and am using your asset for a starting point, shared initial work through quick vid clip at https://twitter.com/8BitSky/status/1020733361537601537?s=19 . Thanks!

Looks nice! Good luck :)

I've been trying to make a game for a while now, but my pixel art just doesn't turn out as clean as yours. How do you make such good pixel art?

(4 edits)

Thanks, I'm glad you like it.

Firstly, I don't feel like it's that good; people seam to like it for some reason; I'm really not sure why. I mean I see I'm improving but I'm nowhere near people who draw professionally (most likely never will be). Makes sense I guess, they spend orders of magnitude more time on drawing, probably since childhood or something.

As for your question: I recommend* 3 things (assuming you're a beginner) that work for me:

1. steal** palette from some pixelart you like (the less colours the better, 4 is nice number but anything from 2 to 8 should be good to start with)

2. use a small sprite size: 8x8 or 16x16.

3. if you're unhappy/tired of something just save it on your hard drive (or wherever), forget about it, discover few months later and release with some tweaks as "not that bad after all" - this might be a terrible advice, but this is what I do (might be the reason why I never finish anything) :)

* - also I guess asking an actual artist might be better idea - I'm just a programmer who sometimes draws;
** - stealing is good (don't quote me on that :D), also: https://lospec.com/palette-list

First of all thank you for the assets, I love all your work! The style is beautiful so don't sell yourself short :) Also, I appreciate the response you had to that question, most people simply reply; "Just practice" and that is true but you put some heart into the reply. I too have the problem of not being able to pull off pixel art that's "good enough". By the way, I know this was 265 days ago lol but whatever! Take care

Thank you!

fwiw "just practice" while concise is also a precise and correct advice.

I still only draw sometimes (not every week even) but I see some improvements on my end in those 265 days! 

Take care!

nice asset you should get a job on game design or group with some coders to earn experience and skills maybe money but you are really talented

Thanks! This is what I might do if I'll get tired of my current job, but for now I enjoy it.

Then enjoy your life and try to make it better

Very cool! Congrats!


Thanks :)