A simple tool for splitting image files (tilessets) into separate images.

Some people asked for that; so here it is : )

Might not be optimised for performance but should work reasonably well for most assets.

Inspired by: https://supernapie.itch.io/random-tileset-generator : )

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Outputs an empty zip folder?

hello 72 wanted to know weather I could run my token thru your machine? It’s a cryptocurrency I have 10000 made so I would want to make 10000 characters that have the transaction code 

Cool idea, No sure is the app is exactly what you need but maybe you can use it as a starting point.

Feel free to download the source code (it's minified but I've just checked and it seams quite readable after unminifying automatically - unfortunately I lost the original code as some point) and mess with it:

Things I think might be a pain point for you, making it unsuitable without some additional work:

- The number string that is associated with each character is not some kind of seed or anything like that but just each 2 characters represent a category of items - less useful in your case

- it is not guaranteed that 2 different charters tokens are not identical (some parts might cover another ones, changing heir color when no hair etc.) - this is probably more problematic for you.

That being said 10000 is not much and there is definitely more unique characters there.

In any case good luck.

(If I misunderstood the question and you've just asked about permission than: yeah, sure you can : ))

Yes understood very well think you for responding so fast 

Hi 0x72, I really like your 2BitCharactersGenerator! I'm sorry to message you here, but that project doesn't have a comment section, and I couldn't find a way to private message you. You see, randomized 2 bit characters is something I really want for my game, but I've had difficulty designing the sprites to be modular. I really like your implementation of it. Is it possible that you could release all the partial sprites separately as sprite sheets? 

Learn how to use your browser's developer tools. You'll spend like 15 minutes on it and it'll serve you for rest of your life.

Good luck.

That didn't occur to me, thanks


Excellent but would be cool to be able to specify margin/spacing between the tiles

How do I turn multipule images in to a tileset?

I'd use `--sheet-pack` feature of aseprite, or maybe some imagemagick.

This ad-hoc tool is not for this task unfortunately.

I have no idea what that is.

Very nice bro, I made something similar for unity, you should check it out sometime. 


I'm just curious - why don't people just use the built in feature? https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/01/25/2d-tilemap-asset-workflow-from-image-to-level/ .

I actually use Unity Tilemap. Its actually quite nice.