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I used your tileset & character in a couple tutorials in a series on web game dev (Phaser 3 #2/5 Dynamic Platformer and Phaser 3 #5/5 Matter.js Physics Platformer). I just wanted to drop a note to thank you for making & sharing the lovely assets you created. They were a lot of fun to use. There's an attribution to you at the top of the source code for each section, but let me know if you want it changed.


Wow, that's a really in-depth tutorial. Good job!

Thanks for the attribution - I'd all good.

I've made use of your character in a bit of a nonstandard way as an asset for a game I made for a game jam. I'll post a link here when I am done. :-) 

Here it is!


So many of them at once :D! Indeed I didn't expect a tower defence.

Recently posted what I made using this onto itch. Thanks for the assets!

Deleted 3 years ago

Nice! I like your character. Cannot score more than 8 though :(

Hi there,

 just let you know that I am using your art for a 8bit retro-game (MSX computer). Release date is unclear, just will let you know once is done. In the meantime here a sample of how it looks so far. Note that MSX has a fixed palette and colour bleeding, so still have to do some work so that it looks nicer.

So retro! Nice :D


Hello! I know it's late but THANK YOU. Without your tileset DERE EXE wouldn't be the game that it is right now. I recolored it to make it more "gameboyish" though hope you don't mind. I know credits aren't necessary but I just had to. I credited you as "Robert 0x72 "


Wow, looks very nice! I'll definitely try it out over the weekend (looks like I might need more time for this one :)).

As for colour changes: Of course I don't mind. I'm happy with people modifying the assets so it suits their game better.

As for credit: thank you; much appreciated.

(1 edit)

Is credit like that allow ? With a link when clicking on your name that link to your profile.

Thanks a lot for your hardwork that you release free for us, little indie dev where tiles isn't our best skill haha :) Seeing you still active even if it's been 8months since you released it make it even more enjoyable!

Would really love to see more tiles of this project like more mobs / platforms / Enviroment / or anything that can add contents <3

(Sorry if my english is not that good, im French haha)
(1 edit)

Sure, whatever works; this one is actually super nice, hearts and stuff :D thanks!

OMG it's 8 months already! I'm glad it helps someone; when I released that I was a bit afraid that no-one would care and seeing so many people actually made use of my work is truly uplifting (thanks again!).

I cannot promise any more content right now. When I finally find some time it'll probably be an extensions to the dungeon tileset first or maybe something entirely new, so please don't wait for an update for this one, sorry :(

That being said I encourage you to give it a try and draw whatever you need on your own. I know it's probably not as much fun for you as programming but who knows? Maybe you'd like it. 16x16 pixel art is very approachable. Small tip: draw robots - they are relatively easy to animate :)

Is there any place I can check out your game?

(Your English is great, you need not to be sorry about that)

(2 edits)

I would still look into your new project then, you have such a talent that I don't want to miss stuff you create haha :)

Im only good at drawing homes like a 5y old kids, and im not creative enough to have ideas to be honest haha

Well Im still working hard everydays on it, Im still developing the GameDesign with all main feature of the Gameplay, mainly the one you did in your gif that show your work, I added a "Inspired by.... used with permission.", I can still share you a short preview of the work i've done so far (sorry for the debug text top left)

Don't judge my work on this poor gameplay please >.< Behind that, there is a database recording for each players best time on each levels, that create an online Leaderboard for like SpeedRun :) I still have lots stuff to do such as particules because I use a Drag&Drop ide, like GameMakerStudio and so particules aren't the .love project you gave, but still possible to create, Ennemies, Boss, Puzzle, but I have motivation enough with all the tileSet you gave and can't thank you enough for that!

[Update] Just tried some stuff for the particules :)

(1 edit)

Hi Robert, thank you very much, your tilestet was an inspiration to me, I created a prototype, see if you like it: I also added you on the credits. Keep doing these fantastic tileset!

Fun! And the dragon - so unexpected :D

is that particle that you have in the demo GIF? Can't seem to find it in the tileset...
Other than that, I absolutely love the tileset!

(Gonna use it for a school project of mine!)


It is indeed; using just this one tile:

There is a .love file in the downloads so you can see how it was implemented (just unzip it to see the code).

Thanks! Will check it out when I have time

What IS UP, fellow!?

Just passing to share with you a small prototype of mine using your amazing tileset:

I'm still learning the unity engine, with zero experience on how to design levels so, hope you enjoy and don't get mad if i literally copy those 4 slices of scenario you have here in this page :D.

(3 edits)

All good!

No mad at all, quite the opposite, I'm happy you had something to work with, drawing rectangles is (usually) no fun at all!

Nice prototype, looks like all core mechanics work nicely. You just need to design levels now, tweak some variables here and there, add some story and you're ready to ship the game.

One suggestion if you don't mind: you used black for the background - I recommend to either change it to #1b1e28 or alter the tileset a bit if you feel like it's too little contrast.

I hope you'll continue working on this one, feel free to share progress :)

(1 edit)

Looks cool, giving you credit would be an honor of mine, also, i'll be sure to show you my game when it comes out, i already made a dev-log on Game Jolt. The game is called : "NO MESSING AROUND"

How to increase image size without losing quality ? 16x16 is very small, almost impossible to see. May seem like a dumb question but honestly i do not know how to do it.

thank you in advance

(2 edits)

You're looking for "texture filter" or "filter" feature in your engine/framework of choice and "nearest" or "point" or "no filtering" value for that.

Sorry cannot help you any further not knowing what software you use. 


And don't worry, asking questions is good. I'm glad I can help.

I am using Gimp or Krita, I'm learning to use them yet, thanks for the answer, I'll search more about it.

In Gimp you can use "Image" -> "Scale Image..." and then in a popup window choose "Interpolation" to be "None" and resize e.g. 300% or whatever you like..

In Krita you can use "Image" -> "Scale Image To New Size..." and then in a popup window choose "Filter" to be "Box" and resize e.g. 300% or whatever you like.

(1 edit)

It worked for both, thank you very much. You recommend some tutorial for pixel art ?

I'm glad  it helped.

No idea for a pixel tutorial; but I recommend limiting yourself: small resolution (like 16x16 or even 8x8), few colours (2-5) - it's easier to get decent results.

Dropping a message to thank you for this amazing tileset, I love the art.

Will be using this in a game I have to create for university admission into a game programming course.

This will definitely make it look great, thanks again!

(1 edit)

Nice! I wish you  good mark!

I really love these sprites, and I would like to use them in my game, could I make a game and sell it on steam using these sprites, I would defiantly give you credit.

Yeah, sure. I'll be more then happy for you :)

thanks so much!

(3 edits)

Hello! This is a terrific tileset that I use in my game for GitHub GameJam! You can evaluate the example level here: 

The fact that stops me before the alpha release is music! I will be happy with any help! Any music! :)

(1 edit)

This is amazing, I love it!

As for music and sounds I cannot offer anything concrete but you can take a look at - you should find something decent there.

Good luck! You still have a couple of days :)

Hey, Not sure if you're using unity, but if so, how did you create the light effects on the bulbs and the checkpoint? Thanks

In Unity you need to create: New > Material, then choose Sprites/Difuse, set the color to pure black and add it to every single object to make it hide when no light is over it. Then, you need to add a source of light to your hero. Check this out:
There is a hidden area to the left, destroy the boxes to get access. There, you will find a tower, inside this tower every object has this material.

I'm sorry I could not answer earlier.
I'm using MonoGame. The effect is achieved with shaders. I think they can be applied in Unity ...

Hi, quick question; that flame animation you have on your gif's are you planning on selling it or publish it; looks awesome, I would love to use it as well.

I am loving your art a lot!

(3 edits)

Hi there! Thank you for kind words.

The flame is just a particle effect produced with LÖVE ( framework. The graphics used by the particle is actually already there in the tileset. It only uses one, 16x16 tile from the tileset. In v1 it's {x:160,y:304} in v2 I moved it to {x:208,y:256}.

Anyway, I'm sure it's as easy to setup with any particle system your engine of choice is using :)

Moreover if one would try to use the a frame-based animation for this effect the results wouldn't look as good so there is no point of producing one, hence I'm going to produce one.

I had this questions a couple of times already. I've create an example .love file so you can take a look inside.

Awesome, I was able to do a nice particle system in unity with the sprite you mentioned (v2.  {x:208,y:256}). As soon as i have some play test demo I will be sending it to you.

Thanks again

BTW a few weeks ago I sent you a link for you to take a look at a game a am doing in windows, you mentioned that it freezes using wine, so here is the web browser version of it :)

For my next mini game I will be using your sprites since they are awesome; cant wait to show you my progress.


Can't wait to see it :)

Also: fun game, keep up the good work!

(3 edits)

Pretty cool tileset! Would you mind if i used this for a play store game? The game would be similar,probably a puzzle one but i guess i'll add some npc's and some enemies as well. I'll ofc credit you.

(1 edit)

Thanks. Quite the opposite! I'd be happy if you make a game out of it (this is kinda the point :D). Feel free to expand and/or modify the tileset itself. Don't forget to share a link when you finish :) 

Good luck!

Thanks mate! Appreciate it!

Deleted 7 years ago

Wow! I'm using this on my platformer game! This is a really good tileset!! Thank you very much! I will link my game here once I finish it. Thanks!

Thanks! And keep up the good, I'd be excited to see your game in action :)

I love this style, the tinier the better :P, Do you use a perticular palette (pico-8 for example)?

Love to look through pixel art and notice you have a particular style that appeals to me and if I were to use any of your sprites I would like to be able to expand on your style with the same palette.

Oh and "Credit is not necessary" that is very admirable to see when there are so many people who spend far too much time chasing credit, take downs or even legal action in some cases. However I would suggest if someone creates a game and has credits to at least pop the creators name under the graphics/art section out of respect.

I'd love to see a Love tutorial to see how to get a little platformer scene up and running (even just a single scene with no enemies, I have no clue where to start with Love even trying to follow tutorials, there seems to be a gap of steps to take to get things rolling in every tutorial that just leaves me clueless lol.

(1 edit)

Thank you.

I don't use any specific palette. I either stick with a palette for a project or just add colors as I go and try to not add too much.

This particular tileset uses 4 colors so it should be easy to map to anything you like. Pico8 version might e.g.  look like so:

Why not? This is one of the strengths of pixel art after all :) You can even change it mid game with a simple shader (and people do so since forever)

And yes, most people should be able to add something to it and it would still look coherent (which is imo much more important than looking good).

As for LÖVE: well, there is a lot of stuff out there to learn from but unfortunately I'm not aware of any comprehensive from 0 to a finished game course. This is a great idea for a side project :D (no promises).

Hey there! This tileset is really awesome. Feels pretty atmospheric and unique.

Would you mind sending me the prototype @ walkingmeme[at]

As I'm new to LÖVE I'd love to try and learn it more and I think your prototype would be ideal for that purpose. Thank you in advance :)

Thanks, and sent.

Could you send me the demo shown in the gifs?

My email is

Do we use your username on the website (0x72) for credits?


"" would be the best but "0x72" is also ok, thanks.

P.S what screen size did you use?


Hi Robert thanks for the gif I have converted it into frames and i am using sadly I dont use C2 anymore. Do you have a gif for the orb where the player hits it creating the other gif you gave me thanks in advance!

I there is no such a gif. If you don't like particles that much than maybe just draw the dot with random offset and size multiple times?

I can also send you the game prototype if you give me your email. You'll be able to extract whatever you need from there, although I don't recommend to treat this as a learning material as the code quality is rather bad.

Hi Robert awesome Im just looking at love now it looks interesting! What was the animation for the laser is aswell. Or if it was an effect built into the engine would you be able to draw please? I look forward to using your sprites in my project.

I've used a particle system. Most engines provide some Particles class/component/object/whatever. What is does it spawns the same multiple instances of the same image (particles) and moves them independently - useful for smoke, fire (fireballs), fur etc[*].

You can learn more about the topic here: You mentioned  C2 (I assume it's Construct2) before so here's probably better explanation for your needs:

I understand you want to achieve similar effect to the one in the gif. I doubt if it's possible with frame-based animation. If tried it'd look worse and programming part would definitely be more complex (considering changing animation on collisions, and handling angles); therefore I'm not going to include it into the tileset. If one need a simpler projectile one can use just a single image.

That being said here you have a gif:   taken directly from the game of mine (that I'll never finish). In any case I encourage you to learn about the particles in your game engine of choice anyway. As a rule of thumb - the more particles the better game :D.

[*] probably not entirely valid definition :)

Hi robert Brilliant assets ! In the gif (top right of the screen) where the player switches the mirror how did you do the laser effect and what engine did you code it in was it C2? 

Hi and thanks!

I've used LÖVE ( The laser/projectile is a simple ParticleSystem ( instance that uses a single quad from the tileset (x:208, y:256, w:16, h:16 - pink-white dot).

Your sprite is awesome, but can you help me with something? I'm a beginner in game development and I need  some explanations for yours animations. I don't understand the action of yours animations. Is it possible for you to write the action of yours animations? Or maybe can you create a gif to see frame in action to understand?

It's for pratice, but I really like your assets. I would like to create the game that you wanted to create with these graphics. I will send you a message when I will have something to show :) and  I will credit you.

Meanwhile, I will try to understand. I apology for my bad english.

(3 edits)

Yeah, sure.

(assuming you're asking about v2)

I'll start with the enemies because there is not much into it (most of them have only one animation)

The 1st enemy have the same animation twice differs only with his "brain" color - this could be a different type of enemy or state of the same one.

The 3rd enemy is the turret. 1st-3rd frame is shooting than is unused blank than shining animation. The idea was to use 1st frame for idle and let it shine every once and then because it does not move at all during its idle.

The 4th enemy is a robot that has idle and moving animations separated by 

Than there is the player - reading from left to right, than from top to bottom frames are like so:

Idle and squash are in the same row (1st), run, shoot and action are in their own rows.

All of those are used in the gif screenshot (fist pic in the description) except the "shoot" animation.

idle - run when no input (this one is run a 2x slower than others 200ms instead of 100ms for a fream):

squash - this animation is supposed to run when your character hit the ground after falling:

run - in addition you can use e.g. 2nd and 3rd frame of this animation for rising and falling during a jump:

shoot - it's kinda magic like shooting something, you'd have to add a projectile on top of that:

action/attack - moving a lever or a sword attack if you add some swoosh effect:

in addition after the shoot action (starting at 64x288)  there is double with (32x16) animation of a simple swoosh to be used with action/attack:

(also: your English is great, don't be sorry about it :))

Thank you for your help! :) I really appreciate it. Your informations will help me to create a cool looking game! I will show you a preview when I will a something to show. Maybe I will need your help to design my levels. :P

Awesome sprite sheet, thanks for it; one question I am using unity to slice it up but I cant seem to get it right; I am cutting slices of 16X16 but when it comes to the main character it seems miss placed

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi, thanks. 

Although the main character itself would fit in 16x16 grid he moves up and down during the running animation, so 16x16 won't do.

This is only one pixel issue so probably I should somehow squeeze him in, not sure why I decided otherwise - I guess I thought you could have multiple grids of different sizes and use them for different parts of the texture.

I have no knowledge of Unity though.

Probably I overcomplicated it; You know what? I'll take a look into that and fix it in v2 :)

Here you go.

Awesome, I just tested it, looks great, thanks for it, as soon as I have a draft of the game I have in mind I'll share it with you.

This is a small game I am working on right now, its still in beta but if you have any comments feel free to tell me.

(2 edits)

Unfortunately I'm able to play for 3-4 seconds only, then the app freezes. Not entirely unexpected as I'm using wine for windows apps but sadly disappointing :(. Looks nice in the pictures though. Keep up the good work (I hope you'll prepare a mac build for the final release :D)!

Looks awesome! and just in time for the lowrezjam :P!


Thank you! I must admit that the itch's email about lowresjam made me post this tileset, although it was created long ago for a game I've never finished :(

I feel the need to work on something using this tileset!

Amazing work! :D

(2 edits)


Fantastic tileset and for my next game it is possible that I use it, sorry for my bad english. 

Thanks! Good luck with your next game, and your English is good, don't be sorry about it :)

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