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(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks so much! I used your tileset for my game!


Hi! Thanks a lot for creating this, I used it a year ago in a university homework project in C with SDL2, for a tower defense game. It was so much better working on it with nice textures!

(1 edit)

I really want to credit. Can you point me to the link I need to write down? should be fine; you can also use or - whatever works for you.

Thanks for the credit <3

Потрясающая работа


Hey I love your work! I used one of the demons as the final boss of my game jam game, All 4 One - thanks so much!

question: can ya add some bows and arrows?


We made a little auto-battle game for a mini jam :)

(2 edits) (+2)

<3 awesome! I'm playing it while I'm supposed to be doing my job XD

Thank you :) Already the second time we've been using your tileset. Really loving it!

I made a college project with my friends using Gamemaker and your assets earlier this year:

thanks a lot for these awesome assets ^^


I made a small homage/expansion to your work:


Thanks for this awesome asset! I've published my first game using it:

I've included you in credits as main artist, as it couldn't be any other way!


I've made another game with your assets, this time it's a Halloween themed hack-n-slash. Check it out!

Once again thanks so much for everything you do to make game dev more accessible to novices like myself! 


looks amazing on screenshots but I wasn't able to play as it seams to ignore keyboard input (I can only stand still and throw bones with mouse button) :(

chrome 106 / macos

Hello! Thanks for these amazing sprites! I made a small (web based) puzzle(ish) game with them!


super fun! I've played all the floors :)


Download goes well.

There is a wizard character in the sprite, can you draw the magic used by the wizard as well? (Fire, ice, lightning, earth, wind attributes, etc.)

If possible, please draw as many as possible.


Thanks for the sprites! I used it in my game for a jam: . Awesome work!

check some animations here: 
I would like to get some feedback of how it looks in action/how it's useable or not

Looks coo!

I like that anticipation in the devil's attack.

When the elf hit's the ground maybe try squish him vertically?

i squished him a bit, but maybe it should be more exaggerated, thx! Also, you have great DudeMaker, sad there are only 2 anims.
PS: chort is my favorite since first dungeon tileset

Love it.

Awesome pack, what’s the font above the example gifs?



thank you


Great tileset and textures i like it, thanks!

I`ve made my small game using your textures:

(1 edit)

Hi, what is the creature at the bottom right end called in the "0x72_DungeonTilesetII_v1.4.png" sprite sheet?

I've looked in the "tiles_list_v1.4" file but its not there? Above the creature is the chort monster.

yeah, looks like it's missing. An "angel" I guess


These are not your textures!!! You stole it from an app. The app is called Pixel Studio and it's available for free on mobile and PC!


bro pixel studio uses HIS assets you got it wrong

(1 edit) (+2)

Which Pixel Studio is it? Where do they use it?

Maybe I'll drop them a note asking to consider attribution so we're all on the same page.

It’s called “Pixel Studio for Lixel Art”, you can find it on Microsoft Store.

Good luck bro…

(1 edit) (+3)

Come on my friend, 16x16-dungeon-tileset was published in May 2017, it's probably older than Pixel Studio you're talking about (not sure which one it is though, I found 3 pieces of software with the same name -- glad to see I'm not the only one struggling with naming things :D).

In any case, I'm happy thee are using the characters :)

(It might be the NFT one I believe :/ so I guess less happy)




The art looks great. I love the style. I'm going to try to use it in a Jam as I type : ) Thanks for creating it!


I love your assets..

I even made a game with it..... Thanks :)

Your work inspired me to build a tabletop rpg. I used some of your artwork in the quick start rules as well as the full book. Let me know if you want a pdf of the full book! Adventure Perilous RPG

Thank you!


Heh, I haven't play tabletop rpgs for ages now. Memories :D

(3 edits)

Love your work!

I made a prototype: 

Red Dead Redungeon

short one :) <3


Love your tileset!  Thanks!


looks amazing!

Used for my GameJam as well - Really cool assets!

Pinrogue - GMTK 2O22

hahha, cool idea! <3

Used in my GMTK2022 submission!

Death Roll - Clicky Arena Shooter

Hi everyone, We used this asset in our game jam project, We put credit in game and in our game page, love to have your opinion about our game, Here is our game jam project:

Way too cool of you to make this free and CC0. I donated a couple of bucks as a thank you.


Guys can some cool Godot guys upload a pic on how can I setup the Bitmask for Auto-tiles!!!

Thanks in advance :D !!

Hey, I was searching for the same thing and couldn’t fin a bitmask for it. I will work on one tomorrow, do you want me to send it when it’s done?

Hi, I would love to get that if you have already done it. 

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Thank you so much you gave me an idea of game.

(2 edits)

And here is my shooter prototype ... will add the animations soon.

Hey, I've just released an open beta for my game using this tileset as well as your dungeon UI pack. Check it out if you have a minute: Thank you very much!

(1 edit)

Looks awesome! Great work!

Also: LÖVE \o/

I’m thinking to switch my placeholder textures by some textures with your style.

I've just started a small game and will use these marvellous characters!

Cool tileset, thanks man

Hey first things first. An amazing Tile Set wow. I wanted to ask to be 100% sure, if I can use your Tile Set to make a free Course on my Youtube channel. It’s about how to create a Top Down Shooter Game, with all the focus mainly on the Programming. I will of course link your Tile Set here on that I used it from your and also link all your other links too.

Hope you will answer me thank you and nice work!

Thanks for the kind words. Yeah sure, go fo it! Sounds like an awesome project. 

Best of luck! <3

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